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The Marine Research Centre of the University of Vigo (CIM) has a clear mission: to advance the preservation and sustainable utilization of oceans, seas, and marine resources through the generation and dissemination of knowledge rooted in science, technology, and innovation. We foster interdisciplinary collaboration in the pursuit of marine knowledge and are comprised of more than 200 people working towards a common goal.
Our reach extends globally, with partnerships encompassing over 160 universities and 150 research centres across 50 countries. The centre actively engages in 90 international R&D&I networks and maintains relationships with over 25 public administrations and 40 companies worldwide.
The CIM is part of The Galician University System Network of Research Centres (CIGUS Network), recognized for the quality and impact of its research. The Toralla Marine Science Station is the main research infrastructure of the CIM and is part of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC). The building has state-of-the-art facilities for research on aquaculture, the effects of climate change on the marine environment, and the development of new marine biotechnological solutions.
Significantly, CIM actively participates in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, aligning our endeavors with the goals of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our specific emphasis is on combating climate change and promoting the sustainable conservation of our oceans.
The Spanish Bank of Algae (BEA) is an infrastructure of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) managed by the Canarian Science and Technology Park Foundation (FCPCT). Its basic objectives are the isolation, characterization, conservation, supply and development of cultivation techniques and applications of algae and cyanobacteria from a scientific-technological point of view.
BEA is recognized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), as an authorized culture collection for tropical, subtropical and extremophiles microalgae and cyanobacteria, particularly from the Macaronesian Region. Being a member of the European Culture Collection Organization (ECCO) and the World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC), BEA is listed at the World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WFCC-MIRCEN; registration number 837). The Collection is accredited, since October 2005, as an International Authority for the Deposit of Microorganisms, for the deposit of algae with the purposes of recognition of industrial property, in accordance with the Budapest Treaty by the WIPO. Nowadays, BEA holds more than 1900 living microalgae and cyanobacteria strains, as clonal or single cell isolates.
Research objectives include physiology, biochemistry, biomass transformation and industrial applications of algal biomass under intensive cultivation, and the development of biofiltration systems using algae.
Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU) is a research centre of excellence from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), that:
- Conducts innovative scientific research of excellence whose paradigm is the study of the health of the marine ecosystems by means of a bio(techno)logical experimental approach,
- Develops (biotechnological) diagnosis tools to analyse and to quantify the health of the marine ecosystems,
- Explores marine resources that contribute to the protection of the human well-being,
- Promotes internationalization by means of networking and attracting junior (PhD candidates) and senior researchers,
- Offers high level postgraduate and doctorate formation and specialization and continuous formation, and offers environmental programs of spreading, awareness and education.
PiE-UPV/EHU offers since 2012 unique facilities for marine aquarium experimentation with invertebrates, fish and algae, in short and medium terms as well as long term mesocosms. Vehicles for sampling and zodiac boats are available. A biological safety aquatic laboratory is available. Algae cultivation and rooms for rearing experimental species. The Biscay Bay Environmental Biospecimen Bank located at PiE ensures the perfect and secure maintenance of stored samples in ultrafrezeers and liquid N2.
PiE-UPV/EHU is part of the Spanish node of the European Marine Biological Research Centre (EMBRC-ERIC) which is a research infrastructure of pan-European relevance. Due to this participation in EMBRC the access to infrastructures and knowledge in 24 leading European marine stations in 10 countries is ensured.
The Oceanographic Center of Vigo, first established in 1917, is one of the nine headquarters of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, a National Center of the Spanish National Research Council (IEO-CSIC). Its main facilities are located in Cabo Estai, including an experimental aquaculture plant, and a smaller building in Beiramar, along with several external warehouses.
Its mission is to conduct research and systematic observation in the marine realm to enhance our comprehension of aquatic ecosystems, its resources, services, and consequences of changing climate conditions, to provide advice and assessment on sustainable management strategies.
The VGOHAB group based at Cabo Estai focuses in the study of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), in particular on the biological factors and interactions promoting species and site-specific HAB events, as well as the characterization of the responsible organisms. Main activities and interests include:
- Characterization of HAB species: Conducting regular sampling of HAB in the region, identifying and quantifying potential noxious species, and establishment into culture (microalgae culture collection, CCVIEO), for further research.
- Impact on Public Health and Ecosystems: Assessing the impact of harmful algal blooms on public health, fisheries resources, and marine ecosystems. This includes studies on the toxicity of algae and its effects on the food chain.
- Technology and Methodology: Innovating techniques and methods for the detection and analysis of HABs, including the implementation of new monitoring and sampling technologies.
- Basic and Applied Research: Conducting studies on the biology and ecology of harmful algae, investigating factors that promote their growth and proliferation, and developing mitigation and management strategies.
- Collaboration and Training: Participating in national and international collaborative projects, as well as in scientific outreach and training activities related to harmful algal blooms.
The main goal of the VGOHAB group is to increase knowledge about HAB to reduce their negative impacts and improve the management and protection of marine resources and public health.
The marine biodiscovery group at the University of Galway is in charge of establishing a National Marine Biomaterial Repository in Ireland ( Using our diving facilities and experience in warm and cold waters, we collect marine macro organisms in Ireland primarily and beyond through collaborations (
The macro organisms are identified in collaboration with taxonomists with a particular focus on sponges, corals and seaweeds, the vouchers being kept in our repository for later use (
Then, the biomolecules of each sample are analysed and characterised using our facilities (NMR, MS, HPLC, ECD) in order to improve our knowledge in the ecology of the organism and also to find new opportunities in the blue bioeconomy for these new natural chemicals such as in agriculture, cosmetics or therapeutics.
The 3B’s Research Group, at the I3Bs – Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, from the University of Minho, is composed by a multidisciplinary and highly skilled team that works at the interface of biotechnology, biology, biomedical engineering and materials science. The major research areas at our group include development of new biomaterials, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug delivery devices, nanomedicine, in-vitro disease models and stem cell isolation and differentiation.
The research line explored in the Marinnonet project is devoted to marine biotechnology, particularly exploring marine origin materials for the development of biomaterials for tissue regeneration and other advanced therapies for diseases as cancer and diabetes.
The 3B’s Research Group integrates the Portuguese Government Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B´s, a collaboration with the Institute of Health and Life sciences of the School of Medicine of U. Minho, operating in the interface between engineering and health sciences. The 3B’s Research Group also leads the European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine that has branches in 22 locations in 13 different countries.
The I3Bs has unique and state-of-the-art facilities, fully equipped for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine – TERM RES Hub – included in the National Roadmap of Strategic Research Infrastructures, as has collaborative projects with leading groups all over the World.
BLUEBIO ALLIANCE (BBA), the Portuguese association for the marine bioresources and blue biotechnology sector, has around 200 associates covering startups, SMEs, large companies, research centers, universities, investors, public agencies as well and support entities. BBA’s mission is to promote the development of the blue bioeconomy by fuelling innovation in the blue-based products market and its expansion. It plays a key role in connecting the different stakeholders in the value chain, supporting, and making accessible a set of infrastructure, services, and facilities to accelerate new business creation and growth ( while leading to more jobs and value creation. BBA´s motivation is focused on sustainable growth inspired by nature, driven by people, supported by technological-based solutions, and powered by the sea.
The research teams of the Roscoff Biological Station are dedicated to the study of the biology of marine organisms, in particular to better understand the evolution of life and the functioning of marine ecosystems, the adaptation of marine organisms in the face of global change. The main experimental models include bacteria, algae (microalgae, red, brown and green seaweed), invertebrates (ascidians, bivalves, sea urchins, etc.), vertebrates (dogfish)…
research teams of the Roscoff Biological Station are dedicated to the study of the biology of marine organisms, in particular to better understand the evolution of life and the functioning of marine ecosystems, the adaptation of marine organisms in the face of global change.
In the context of Marinonnet, The Roscoff Biological Station offers access to a large collection (more than 9000 species) of marine micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, microalgae, protists) brown and green seaweed, invertebrates (ascidians, bivalves, sea urchins, etc.), vertebrates (dogfish). The Roscoff Biological Station will provide you others services, such as: experimental aquarium facilities, cryopreservation facilities, access to sea resources and technological platforms (sequenceing, microscopy, cytometry, metabolomics…)
The Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique is a competitiveness cluster dedicated to the blue economy. We federate a community of over 450 members (start-ups, SMEs and ETIs, major groups, research organisations and trade associations).
We support maritime innovation through our members’ innovative R&D projects, notably by bringing together academic and industrial players. These projects lead and contribute to the services and products of a sustainable and responsible blue economy.
Our mission is to support innovation in two of France’s most maritime regions: Brittany and Pays de la Loire. This region is France’s leading employment area, accounting for almost 50% of direct jobs in the blue economy.
We are active in six innovation areas: Maritime Defence and Security, Naval and Nautical, Marine Energy and Mineral Resources, Marine Biological Resources, Coastal and Marine Environment, Ports, Infrastructure and Logistics.
The Circular Bioeconomy Research Group is a multi-disciplinary team integrating expertise in bioresources, sustainability, green chemistry, biotechnology, low emission agriculture and biorefining. Recognised as a leader in bioeconomy research nationally, internationally and partnering in a significant number of research funded projects.
CircBio focuses on strengthening collaboration between researchers, technology providers, and industry – from SMEs to Multinationals – to develop, scale and internationalise next generation bio-based products, services, and value chains, whilst in tandem driving forward to transition to a low carbon economy.
MTU is established as an expert group involved in a multitude of Circular Economy and Bioeconomy related EU projects including Agrobridges, EfficientFood, BIOSWITCH, COOPID, FarmZeroC, BIObec, INGREEN, Fanbest, BiorefineryGlas and BIO4Africa.